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1.Working strictly  and effectively

Working strictly and effectively is a way that can attract the attention of seniors and therefore you easily are promoted. Showing enthusiasm and dedication to work will help you to create a professional image.

2.Take responsibility for more tasks

People who deserve to be promoted must be ones working hard and are willing to do many tasks at the same time. It shows their effort that is greater than others. Of course, to climb on the career ladder ,we need to sacrifice many things to do more works such as :time, efforts, entertainments … 

3.Have a clear objective

Every successful person all has their own clear objectives .And sure that they create a detailed plan to achieve those. When you can not define what are your really objects and how to do it ,you will not be successful. Hence, it should be the first and also the most important notice .Having an object and do the best to make it come true is a key for all of success. Moreover, be consistent with defined objects and avoid changing continuously.

4. Building good relationships

Beside working , you should pay attention to relationships around .Giving advice and help to your colleges to get on well with them. In the office environment, getting colleges ’s support is very important .Do not think that you just need to get the boss’s satisfaction.50% of the success in being promoted is to get other colleges respect. Your promotion also is based on the vote of members in the company. 

5. To be a mirror for everyone

You must be a mirror not only for working but for moral standards. Ensure a good image both in work and other activities. In means that you will have to follow etiquette, obey rules...Especially, solve problems wisely and effectively to get people belief

6. Get highlight achievements

No matter how hard you try, if you do not have any achievements during the working process, your efforts will not be registered. To have achievements ,you really need to have real efforts and motivations in doing tasks .Working hard even when others are relaxing .The harder you work, the better result you get. Arrive early and go back late is the style of great people .Certainly, your way to the promotion will be in a short time!

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